Bike Buddy

Created with Allen Ramos and Gabie Tanjuatco

For our Design Research class, my group and I had to design an intervention that would address the apprehensions that Filipinos have towards bike commuting in Metro Manila. By creating a wayfinding application (similar to those that car drivers would use), the hypothesis was that new (and old) bike commuters would feel safer biking in the city with an informational tool and community supporting their rides.

How might we make bike commuting a safer, more convenient, and more motivating activity in Metro Manila?

This was the research question the group tackled for this design project.

While there are existing bike applications, none of them were designed for commuting. So there was alack of a platform that combines wayfinding tools and road information on biking that would result in making bike commuting more convenient, safer, and motivating for both bikers and non-bikers in Metro Manila.

Screenshots of the application prototype.

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